2024 Lincoln Day Dinner
CANDIDATE Table OPTION & Ad selection options
This year at our Lincoln Day Dinner we are offering candidates the opportunity to meet mid-Michigan residents and have a dialog on the issues they are concerned about. The purchase of a candidate table will also reduce the price on a half-page or full-page ad in our Lincoln Day Dinner Program. You can come in person or send a person from your campaign team to man your table. The cost of a candidate table is $50. If a half-page ad is purchased the cost of the ad will be reduced by $25. If a full-page ad is purchased the cost of the ad will be reduced by $50. (See ad prices below and how the ads are displayed in the program.)
Because of the opportunity to meet people in person we will not be offering any of the candidates the opportunity to address the attendees as a whole.
Eighth page ad ........................................................................................................... $ 60
Quarter page ad .......................................................................................................... $ 80
Half page ad — with purchase of candidate table ($125) ................................... $ 150
Full page ad (7.5” X 10”) — with purchase of candidate table ($250) ................ $ 300
Inside back cover (7.5” X 10”) — with purchase of candidate table ($275) ....... $ 325
Outside back cover (7.5” X 10”) — with purchase of candidate table ($350) ... $ 400
Inside front cover (7.5” X 10”) -- with purchase of candidate table ($350) ....... $ 400
Center Spread (17” X 11”) -- with purchase of candidate table ($550) ............... $ 600
To download an ad purchase and candidate table reservation form click on ANY PAGE IMAGE BELOW and a PDF registration form will be displayed that you can print and return to us along with your payment.
To pay online using a credit card click on the following link! https://www.ccrpmi.com/ldd-ad-payment.html
Because of the opportunity to meet people in person we will not be offering any of the candidates the opportunity to address the attendees as a whole.
Eighth page ad ........................................................................................................... $ 60
Quarter page ad .......................................................................................................... $ 80
Half page ad — with purchase of candidate table ($125) ................................... $ 150
Full page ad (7.5” X 10”) — with purchase of candidate table ($250) ................ $ 300
Inside back cover (7.5” X 10”) — with purchase of candidate table ($275) ....... $ 325
Outside back cover (7.5” X 10”) — with purchase of candidate table ($350) ... $ 400
Inside front cover (7.5” X 10”) -- with purchase of candidate table ($350) ....... $ 400
Center Spread (17” X 11”) -- with purchase of candidate table ($550) ............... $ 600
To download an ad purchase and candidate table reservation form click on ANY PAGE IMAGE BELOW and a PDF registration form will be displayed that you can print and return to us along with your payment.
To pay online using a credit card click on the following link! https://www.ccrpmi.com/ldd-ad-payment.html