Thank you 2023 CCRP Sponsors!
Our annual Club Sponsorships and special events are the primary sources of funds that support the efforts of the Clinton County Republican Party. These funds are used for expenses and to support the campaigns of candidates.
Club Sponsorships that include admission to our annual events; as well as recognition of your support in event materials and on our website.
We have three special events each year. Our premier event is the annual Lincoln Day Dinner which takes place in the spring followed by two other events, one in the Summer, and one in the Fall.
Club Sponsorships that include admission to our annual events; as well as recognition of your support in event materials and on our website.
We have three special events each year. Our premier event is the annual Lincoln Day Dinner which takes place in the spring followed by two other events, one in the Summer, and one in the Fall.
350 Club Sponsors
Ken & Karen Andrews
Mark Balfanz
Phil & Nancy Bareham
Alan & Mary Ann Cobb
Sharon K. Conklin
Roger & Janet Dennings
Fred & Linda Gifford
Bruce & Janet Harte
James D. & Lynn M. Johnson
Curt & Martha Kenyon
Lamonte & Donna Lator
Dr. Greg Messenger
Clinton County Commissioner Ken Mitchell
Dr. Michael & Dee O'Bryant
David & Aillene Plont
Missy Porterfield
James & Carol Renner
Bill & Dawn Sherman
David & Jody Smith
Clinton County Prosecuting Attorney Tony Spagnuolo
Will & Deirdre Thompson
Gail Wadell
Benjamin & Michal Wetmore
Stephen & Sheri Willis
250 Club Sponsors
George & Elizabeth Ayoub
Chris & Brenda DeLiso
Tim & Debbie Fair
Phil & Cindy Hanses
C. Richard & Herrold
Anne Hill
David & Mary Seeger
Leslie Van Alstine & Concetta D'Agostino
150 Club Sponsors
Melanie Dart & David Howland
Rosemarie DeLoof
Ray & Jackie Easton
Rosemary Feldpausch
Gerald & Joyce Hough
Richard & Sheila Robbe
Lynda Roof
Roger & Rosanne Schafer
Daniel & Phyllis Smith
Richard & Suzanne Williams